Start-Up City - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

StartUp City

“StartUp City” is the place where students and young people can develop their business ideas, presenting them in front of a prestigious jury. This competition aims to help all innovative young people with an entrepreneurial spirit to realize and present their business ideas. “Start Up City” adds value to the entrepreneurial ecosystem by helping startups grow and position themselves in the market.
In its fourth edition, StartUp City comes as a collaboration between the Metropolitan University of Tirana, Metropolitan Incubator and the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana supported by World Business Angels Forum Albania.

Who can apply?

Anyone who has an innovative business idea in Albania and Western Balkans. Form more informations visit:

How to apply

To become part of StartUp City, applicants must submit a PowerPoint presentation in English , which must contain:

  • Problem – What problem are you solving or what need are you meeting?
  • Solution – Brief description of the product or service
  • Market – market size
  • Competition – positioning in front of competitors
  • Financial business model – How will profit be generated? Cost structure and revenue streams
  • Team – Team and their roles
  • Roadmap – Plan for the future
  • Call to Action – What do you need?

The PowerPoint presentation should be sent to the email address . Presentation time for each idea will be 5 minutes accompanied by 3 minutes Q&A by the jury.

Official partners of StartUp City

Network partners

Organized by

Previous editions of StartUp City

StartUp City 6


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StartUp City 5


First place: “LabNexus”
Second Place:“Trinetix”
Third Place: “KERKO”
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StartUp City 4


First place: “UNO”
Second Place: “Student Life”
Third Place: “Diversi8”
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StartUp City 1


First place: “Salvia Ice Tea”
Second Place: “Mark”
Third Place: “Eco pack design”
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StartUp City 2


First place: “Concept Marketing”
Second Place: “Student Life”
Third Place: “Diversi8”
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StartUp City 3


First place: “TBot”
Second Place: “Romix”
Third Place: “BioTech Agriculture”
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