Professional Graphics-Design - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Professional program in Graphic-Design

The 2-year professional program in “Graphic Design” is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of design and visual communication. During the two years of study, students will explore a wide range of subjects including; Graphic Design, Visual Identity, Design Methodology, Photography, Typography, Calligraphy, Web Design, Branding, etc.

Through a carefully designed curriculum, students will not only gain expertise in the techniques and tools of Graphic Design, but also be empowered to put these tools into practice in a creative way. The program emphasizes hands-on learning, allowing students to work on real projects in the fields of graphic design. At the end of this program, students will be equipped with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Graphic Design, in order to apply them successfully in professional activity and with the skills to search, develop, evaluate critically. The field of Graphic Design is the basis of contemporary creativity and innovation. If you are passionate about Design and visual art, join us on this exciting journey to become a leader in the field of Graphic Design.

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full - time



Shkarko Duke Klikuar

Head of Program:

Msc. Olta Bello

Academic Counsellor:

Msc. Olta Bello


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