Outgoing - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Outgoing Students


Dr. Nick Frydas  nfrydas@umt.edu.al Vice Rector for Development and Internationalization

International Relations Office


UMT students have the opportunity to participate in exchange mobilities to higher education institutions across Europe through the Erasmus+ Programme, which is funded by the European Commission. This initiative, known as International Credit Mobility (ICM), falls under Key Action 1 (KA171). It provides opportunities to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students to study abroad for one or two semesters, earning credits towards their degree. Additionally, the Erasmus+ Programme offers students the chance to undertake traineeships, enhancing their professional skills. The programme provides financial support, including a grant and travel expenses based on distance, while tuition fees at the host university are waived.

General documents for application:

  • Copy of Passport;
  • Transcript of Records;
  • Photocopy of Certificate/proof of English language or document proving knowledge in this language. Required level B2; If there is no internationally recognized certificate then receive a certificate from the English language Professor at UMT;
  • Motivational Letter;
  • CV;
  • Learning Agreement ***

***Learning Agreement is a contract between the home university and the applicant and serves to determine the courses you will study at the host university. You only need to complete the first section “Before the mobility”. Table A defines the subjects and credits you will receive at the host university, table B defines which of the subjects of Table A will be recognized at University Metropolitan Tirana when you have completed the exchange period.