
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

The Master of Science study program in Electrical Engineering offers a highly disciplinary preparation which enables the analysis, design, implementation and management of production, transmission, distribution, conversion and use of electricity systems. The academic program of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the Metropolitan Tirana University is structured in order to provide graduates with a complete vision of applications in electronics and industrial automation. The academic process is intertwined with practical classes, where students are trained in dedicated laboratories such as the Laboratory of Electrical and Electronic Measurements, the Laboratory of Communication and Signal Processing, the Automation Laboratory or the Laboratory of Energy Distribution Systems and Electronic Equipment.
On this basis, knowledge is given on electrical transmissions, on power generation and transmission systems, on the distribution and use of electricity, on the electricity economy and the management of electrical systems in the electricity market. The study program also offers professional internships at institutions with which the university has cooperation agreements.

Necessary Contacts

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Gëzim Karapici

Program Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Gëzim Karapici

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Cilat janë kriteret për t’u pranuar në programet bachelor?

Për t’u regjistruar në programet bachelor, studentët duhet të kenë përfunduar Maturën Shtetëroreose një cikël të njehsuar me të. Të gjithë kandidatët që duan të ndjekin një nga programet bachelorduhet të plotësojnë kriterin e notës mesatare të vendosur me VKM, e cila aktualisht është 6,5.Aplikimet kryhen vetëm nëpërmjet portalit U-Albania. Çdo kandidat i interesuar për të ndjekurstudimet pranë UMT duhet të zgjedhë Universitetin Metropolitan Tirana si një nga 10 preferencat etij në këtë portal gjatë fazave të aplikimit.