Professional program in Software Design and Development - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Professional Program in Software Design and Development

The professional study program in Software Design and Development aims to prepare professionals in the field of development, testing and maintenance of software applications. During this program, students become familiar with a wide range of programming languages and approaches used, as well as a general overview of some of the basic knowledge on information technology such as computers, networks, security, etc. This study program has a particular focus on programming languages studying in some of the most widely used programming languages and covering a wide range of approaches.

The languages treated during this study cycle are: C as a precursor to basic programming knowledge and its use in high performance computing systems, Java as the worthiest representative of the family of object-oriented languages (Object Oriented Programming). which has a fairly wide use thanks to its flexibility and independence from execution platforms; HTML/CSS for Web front-end programming, PHP for Web back-end programming, SQL for database management, Shell Script for operating systems management, etc. Graduates can work in different sectors, not only in companies that are directly involved in the development of software applications (also known as Software House) which are more and more recently in the market, but also in companies such as: banks or credit institutes, public and private institutions that have IT systems in the management of services, in light and heavy industry in the management of control systems in the work process. Another possibility which is gaining wide spread is self-employment or remote employment as it is otherwise known, freelancer.

Many students with business ideas are creating their startups, while receiving special attention in today’s market and financial support from large companies or funds from national and international public institutions. This opportunity is not exclusive to those with business ideas. The acquired competencies also enable remote employment for companies that enable it, creating flexibility in time and work management.

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Head of Department

Msc. Evis Plaku

Head of Department

Dr. Elton Domnori