Professional in Topography and GIS - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Professional Program in Topography and GIS

The purpose of the 2-year professional program in Topography and GIS is to prepare qualified specialists in the field of topography, who will provide their expertise in construction sites or the application of maps and plans related to the infrastructure of important projects. Such as road segments, dams, irrigation works, etc. In this program, students acquire theoretical knowledge along with practical skills to use the latest technologies efficiently.

At the end of this program, the student will be able to create and interpret maps, realize networks and geodetic processes, perform professional engineering measurements, use modern high precision instruments for measuring and recording distances, angles, heights as well as use advanced positioning devices such as Global Positioning System (GPS).

Upon completion of their studies, graduates will have the opportunity to become part of the labor market in public and private institutions. They can work in the departments of public works, cadasters, privatization offices, legalization offices, in municipalities, etc.

They can also contribute with their expertise to companies that focus on the construction of infrastructure facilities, construction of various buildings, construction of electrical networks, gas or water supply, construction and maintenance of facilities of special importance such as hydropower plants, oil or gas deposits etc.

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Head of Program:

Msc. Izet Mehmetaj

Academic Counsellor:

Dr.Perparim Likaj