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PhD in Artificial Intelligence

Agresa Qosja, Assistant Lecturer at the University Metropolitan Tirana University (UMT) won the doctoral scholarship in joint supervision (cotutelle) funded by the French Embassy in Tirana.

She will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Ligor Nikolla (UMT) and Prof. Dr. Eralda Dhamo (Gjika) (University of Tirana) for the Albanian side and by Prof. Dr. Didier Georges (Université Grenoble Alpes) and Prof. Dr. Arben Çela (ESIEE Paris-Université Gustave Eiffel) for the French side.

Doctoral studies will be carried out full-time, combined with teaching experience at both universities, MTU and UGA. The staying time in Tirana and Grenoble will be equal (18 months), with zero registration fee in both universities, paid as Assistant Lecturer by UMT, and with a French scholarship for staying period in France. At the end of her doctorate, Agresa will receive her doctorate from both universities, Metropolitan Tirana University and Grenoble Alpes University, France.

The topic of the doctorate will be in the field of Artificial Intelligence applied to the production, distribution, and consumption of electricity, the actuality of which has aroused the interest not only of French colleagues but also of French companies that have invested and want to invest in this sector in Albania. Of course, it will cooperate strongly and continuously with Albanian institutions and companies in the energy production and distribution sector.

This doctoral topic has been launched in the framework of the collaboration of the UMT Doctoral School in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems with several French universities and will be followed by two other doctorates this academic year to continue the same in the coming years. UMT will undertake the financing of these doctorates with the same financial parameters and objectives of cooperation and graduation (double degree) with French/European universities with the objective of the soundest training of Albanian professors by the internationalization objectives of the Ministry of Education and Sports.