Metropolitan Social Incubator - University Metropolitan Tirana

Metropolitan Social Incubator

Metropolitan Social Incubator has a mission to discover and promote Albania’s and region’s most talented social entrepreneurs, assist them in gradually creating successful enterprises and building a prosperus innovative environment.

Metropolitan Social Incubator vision is to become the leading national environment that supports new entrepreneurial and innovative social business ideas, that contributes in direct and indirect job creation, thus being a promoter of economic development.

The first Social Incubator in the Region, Central and Eastern Europe funded by AUF;

MetSInc Activities
  • Marketing
  • Mentoring
  • Social Entrepreneurship Courses
  • Research And Funding Support
  • Establishment Of National- International Network
  • Round Tables
  • Environment Dedicated To The Social Incubator
  • Bootcamp
  • First introductory meeting with students of University MetropolitanTirana

    The Project For The Opening Of The Social Incubator at the University Metropolitan  Tirana Was Launched, The First Of Its Kind In Central And Eastern Europe.This Incubator, The Second That The Metropolitan University Sets Up, Was Funded By The University Agency Of Francophonie And The Project Will Have A Preliminary Implementation Period Of 6 Months To Proceed Further With Development Phases.Among The Guests Were Representatives Of AUF In Mrs. Elona Toro, Municipality Of Tirana, Mrs. Ina Bregaj And Partners Albania For Change And Development Mrs. Klotilda Ceiling. All Students And Social Entrepreneurs Are Invited To Join This Community-Focused Initiative.

    Trainings offered by Trainings offered by University Metropolitan Tirana

    "The concept of Social Entrepreneurship, Understanding social problems" .

    The first training held by MSc.Klotilda Kosta (Partners Albania for Change Development) on the topic "The concept of Social Entrepreneurship, Understanding social problems".

    "Concepts of Social Entrepreneurship, Different models and classification".

    The second training held by MSc.Ina Bregaj, head of the Sector of European Integration in the Municipality of Tirana, on the topic "Concepts of Social Entrepreneurship, Different models and classification".

    "How to identify an opportunity?"

    The third training held by PhD.Pleurat Rexhepi (Director of Metropolitan Tirana Incubator) on the topic "How to identify an opportunity?

    "Decision Making in Social Entrepreneurship."

    The fourth training was held by PhD.Assc.Genc Alimehmeti lecturer at the University of Tirana & Researcher at the University of Bologna on "Decision Making in Social Entrepreneurship."

    "Law on Social Entrepreneurship".

    The fifth training was held by MSc. Lorina Misku, Collaborator Master Mentor at Metropolitan Start-Up Incubator on "Law on Social Entrepreneurship".

    "E-commerce and Social Entrepreneurship".

    The sixth training was held by PhD Candidate Elona Cera, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at Metropolitan Tirana University on "E-commerce and Social Entrepreneurship".

    "Social Entrepreneurship - Budgeting and Financial Planning".

    The seventh training was held by PhD Candidate Almarin Frankulli, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at Metropolitan Tirana University on "Social Entrepreneurship - Budgeting and Financial Planning".

    "Canvas Business Model and their practical implementation".

    The eighth training was held by PhD Alba Skendaj, lecturer at FE UT and Expert at UMT at the Office of Projects and Erasmus, on the topic "Canvas Business Model and their practical implementation".

    “Marketing Positioning and Differentiation Strategies”

    The ninth training was held by MSc. Fjoraldo Yzeiri, Head of Marketing at Metropolitan Tirana University. With the topic "Marketing Positioning and Differentiation Strategies".