Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management

The Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management offers in-depth scientific knowledge in the field of finance and risk management. While following this program, the student gets knowledge about the financial industry, financial modeling, the basics of financial economics, international finance or financial statistics. The students also get practical knowledge such as Matlab applications in finance or data structure and financial algorithms. After completing this master’s program, students have all the necessary knowledge to be employed as middle and senior managers in the banking sector, financial institutions, insurance companies, development funds, etc. They also have the opportunity to continue their academic career, through the pursuit of doctoral studies in the field of economics and finance.

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Head of Department

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Denis Veliu

Head of Department

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Denis Veliu