Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - UMT

Master of Science in Informatics Engineering

The study program in Informatics Engineering aims to provide students with in-depth technical and scientific knowledge of the university level, which are required by various fields of information distribution systems and data storage. The academic program of the Master of Science in Informatics Engineering has been designed taking into account the demands of the labor market for experts in this field.

Graduates of this study program at Metropolitan Tirana University are able to understand and analyze the functioning of complex systems, administer and maintain computer networks, manage computer systems, and be able to build secure computer systems. 

Students will have the skills to understand and solve various technical-scientific problems from the aforementioned fields, to analyze technological and engineering issues, to influence with their knowledge in the life cycle of a product, to design scientific papers and to develop various projects in the field of informatics. 

The Master of Science in Computer Engineering allows students to get involved in scientific research projects or pursue doctoral studies.

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Head of Program

Dr. Maaruf Ali

Head of Department

Dr. Elton Domnori