MSc. Marsida Gorea
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
✉ mgorea@umt.edu.al
Marsida Gorea is a full-time lecturer at the University Metropolitan Tirana since 2020. In 2008 she graduated with a thesis in conservation and recovery of the architectural heritage at the Polytechnic University of Bari. She obtained the licence to practice the profession of architect in the Italian Republic.From 2009 she worked as an expert in the field of territorial planning in various institutions such as the National Agency for Territorial Planning (AKPT) and the Municipality of Tirana, simultaneously in the field of architecture as a freelancer. During the 15 years of experience, she had the opportunity to compile various studies and projects in the field of architecture and planning, starting from the architectural design of residential, social and educational buildings; drafting of Detailed Local Plans and Urban Design; drafting of the the Local Territorial Policy and the General Territorial Plan of the Municipality of Tirana, as well as in the drafting of territorial planning and development regulations.Since 2010 she has also worked as a art-time lecturer at the Polis University of Tirana (2010-2012), part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning/Polytechnic University of Tirana (2012-2017), full-time lecturer at the Metropolitan University of Tirana since 2020. Specialized in Territorial Planning and Development, Architecture, Restoration and Adaptive Reuse of Architectural Heritage.
- 2007-2008
Archaeological Stage “Soprintendenza Archeologica della Puglia” in collaboration with “Politecnico di Bari, Facoltà di Architettura”, Itali;
- 2002–2008
Masters of Science in Architecture (5-year Integrated Architecture program), Facolta’ di Architettura, Politecnico di Bari, Itali.
- Local Territorial Policy of the Municipality of Tirana 2012.
- Local Territorial Plan of the Municipality of Tirana 2012.
- Over 100 Detailed Local Plans of Tirana Municipality 2012-2018.