Invitation for training from University Metropolitan Tirana for teachers and graduates of Shkodra district: - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Invitation for training from University Metropolitan Tirana for teachers and graduates of Shkodra district:

University Tirana Metropolitan expresses its willingness to organize specialized training on the following topics:

  • Practical Aspects in Cybersecurity
  • Intelligent Systems in Teaching: How to Automate and Enhance Teaching.
  • Artificial Intelligence through real-world applications.
  • Personalized learning through AI.
  • Programming in Python : concept of objects and usage | bookstores.

These trainings enable teachers to be trained in the field of innovation, technology and education in the field of artificial intelligence.

Second, and no less important, we want to train in a special course the graduates who are interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence and those who want to be the participation in the RoboTech course training.

Please confirm your interest in participating in these trainings by completing the form below

Training for teachers:

Training for students:

Blank Form (#4)
For any questions or additional information, we are available at any time. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your successful participation in these important trainings.