Dr. Igli Hakrama
Head of Innovation R&D Center and supervisor of AI Lab at Univeristy Metropolitan Tirana
Faculty of Computer Science and IT
✉ ihakrama@umt.edu.al
Igli has long professional and academic experience in Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and economic process engineering aspects. He currently is the Head of the Innovation Center and the supervisor of AILab at UMT. His teaching activity has been focused on courses like Programming, Web, Applied AI and Software Engineering. His research focuses on Applied Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems, Data and Process Mining, agent-based modeling, and their application on economy. He holds a degree in Business Informatics from the University of Tirana and two master’s degrees, one in Computer Engineering and the other another in European Economic Studies, and a PhD with title “Intelligent Agent-based Economic Modeling”. He has been engaged in several startup initiatives and has been an active actor in the Albanian startup ecosystem from its early stages, where he has mentored and guided several startups from conception up to launching in the market on different levels. He also has an expertise on Innovation Engineering, starting from the basic business idea up to the engineering process of innovative elements by using software engineering techniques and applied artificial intelligence.
Dr. Igli Hakrama është lektor prej shumë vitesh i specializuar në fushat e Inxhinierisë Software, Inteligjencës Artificiale dhe në inxhinierimin e proceseve ekonomike. Ai drejton Qendrën e Inovacionit në UMT, si edhe është dhe supervizori i Laboratorit të Inteligjencës Artificiale. Aktiviteti i tij si lektor ka qenë kryesisht në lëndët e programimit, Web-it, bazat e të dhënave, inxhinieria softuerë dhe inteligjenca artificiale. Fusha e tij kërkimore është në aplikimin e metodave të inxhinierisë softuerë dhe të inteligjencës artificiale në sisteme informacioni, në nxjerrjen e të dhënave dhe proceseve, inxhinierinë softuer të bazuar në agjentë dhe modelim e simulim të bazuar në agjent. Gjithashtu ai ka një eksperience disa vjeçare në modelime dhe projektime sistemesh informacioni në infrastruktura te ndryshme.
• PhD on Information Systems, University of Tirana, 2019
• MND, Epoka University, Master in Computer Engineering-2011, Tirane, Albania
• MND, University of Tirana, Master in European Economic Studies-2010, Tirane, Albania o Double Diploma with Master of Science title from Bamberg University
• BSc, University of Tirana, Business Informatics-2008, Tirane, Albania