Prof.Asoc. Gazmend Pula
Faculty of Computer Science and IT gazmend.pula@umt.edu.al
Completed 5-year studies in Electrical Engineering in the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Simultaneously and parallel completed the studies of English Language and Literature & German Language in the Faculty of Philology of the University of Prishtina. As a selected Fullbright scholar stipendiant completed the 2-year Master Studies in the George Washington University, in Washington DC, USA, in the field of Electrical Engineering. Doctoral studies started also as a two-time Fulbright scholar in the same Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the George Washington University, in Washington DC, USA. Due to family reasons continued doctoral studies in the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and completed them in the University of Prishtina. Post-doctoral studies in the Arizona State University, Arizona, USA in 2015, within the framework of the USAID Transformational Leadership Program, in the area of power & industrial engineering & sustainable industrial-technological development for renewable energy in photovoltaics and wind energy. Completed additional other specializations in Technische Universitaet of the University of Graz, Graz, Austria, in the electrical engineering field, in 2004. In addition completed advanced specializations in the area of international relations SüdOst Institut, München, Germany, as well as in the Institut für Wissenachaften der Menschen, Vienna, Austria, etc.. Engaged also in socio-political, civil and diplomatic field in the capacity of the first Kosovo Ambassador in Albania. Founded and chaired the Kosovo Helsinki Committee. Employed as University Professor from the very beginning of my professional career in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Power System Department, of the University of Prishtina and has lectured, including as guest lecturer, in a number of universities in Kosovo and abroad. Author of two university textbook, two authorized university course lectures and a multitude of published professional and scientific papers and publications. Engaged also as licensed judicial forensic expert for the field of electrical engineering, as well as a licensed judicial interpreter for English and German language. Married, two children.