Facilities and Laboratories - University Metropolitan Tirana

Facilities and Laboratories


Facilities of University Metropolitan Tirana

The campus of University Metropolitan Tirana is comprised of two buildings in the most favorable positions of the capital. “Central Building” and “Building 2” are located on “Sotir Kolea” and “Pjeter Budi” streets, near Student City. These buildings include auditors, libraries, the Rectorate, faculties and departments, academic and administrative staff offices, as well as the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the Faculty of Computer Science and IT and the Faculty of Economics. Metroresearch, Metropolitan Incubator and Metropolitan Geospatial Center also operate in the campus. Metropolitan Tirana University has created a modern infrastructure that meets the needs of students, academic and administrative staff. Over the years, well-located UMT facilities have also been used to conduct trainings, courses or events with other partner institutions. University Metropolitan Tirana follows the models of the most renowned European universities, with modern architecture, equipped with multifunctional facilities and easily accessible to all interest groups

Mjediset dhe laboratorët në UMT

Laboratory of Natural Sciences

University Metropolitan Tirana has in its structure the laboratory of Natural Sciences, which is equipped with all the materials needed to conduct experiments in the function of academic programs. This laboratory performs laboratory work in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology. The Laboratory of Natural Sciences offers the capacity to develop laboratory classes for a large number of students. During lab hours, students also learn the steps to follow in the process of collecting scientific data.

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Software Development Laboratory

The software development laboratory at University Metropolitan Tirana is designed to support students of the Faculty of Computer Science and IT in acquiring practical knowledge in the field of software engineering and computer engineering. The devices have the right parameters to handle the most advanced software, with the aim of developing courses like “Advanced Java Programming”, “Mobile Programming”, “Web Programming”, “Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis” etc.

Mjediset dhe laboratorët në UMT

Laboratory of Automation and EPGA

Laboratory automation is intended for all students of Electrical Engineering at the University Metropolitan Tirana, bachelor’s and master’s levels, who want to specialize in control systems, digital electronics or medical electronic devices.This laboratory provides students with the theoretical knowledge gained during lectures to practice in the practical hours with the equipment they will need to use in the future while practicing.

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Laboratory of communications and signal processing

Laboratory of communications and signal processing is available to all students of Computer Sciences and IT. The laboratory is equipped with electronic boards, oscilloscopes and signal generators for the experimentation and verification of analogue and digital electronics phenomena. This laboratory is always enriched with new equipment for the purpose of study programs. There are a number of subjects developed in this laboratory, such as “Management of Power Transmission Systems”, “Digital Control”, “Basics of Automation”, “Electronic Measurement”, “Programmable Electronic Systems”, “Power Electronics” etc

Përgjegjësia Sociale - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Topography and GIS Laboratory

Taking accurate measurements is one of the most important tasks a land surveyor must complete. The laboratory is equipped with various modern devices such as chains and tapes, compasses and clinometers, total stations and theodolites, levels, prisms and reflectors, magnetic locators, poles, tripods, and mounts, etc. The Topography and GIS Laboratory serves for the students of Civil Engineering as well as Topography and GIS programs’ applicative courses

Laboratory of Construction Materials

The Laboratory of Construction Materials is located in the Central Building of University Metropolitan Tirana. The laboratory has vital equipment such as a 200-tone compression press, a vibrating table, a cure tank, high-capacity concrete mixer, slump, VeBe, air entrapment, set of sieves and molds, etc. Various undergraduate and graduate courses of Civil Engineering department are implemented in the laboratory such as “Reinforced Concrete” and “Technology of Materials”, where students are able to determine the unconfined compression strength of concrete, the influence of different factors on concrete resistance, the determination of specific weight of inert materials, study of properties of building materials etc. The laboratory is also used for scientific research.

Mjediset dhe laboratorët në UMT

Geotechnical Laboratory

The Geotechnical Laboratory at University Metropolitan Tirana is equipped with the modern equipment to cover all laboratory work in subjects related to soils and rocks, physio-mechanical properties, determination of their resistance, soil behavior, etc. This laboratory specifically serves the Civil Engineering study program, in bachelor and master cycles. Some of the tests performed in this laboratory are determination of grain size distribution water content, consistency limits, specific gravity apparatus, consolidation test, unconfined compressive strength test, tri-axial compression test, shear-box test, etc.

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Multifunctional Laboratory

Multifunctional laboratory is equipped with a large number of computers, being accessible to more students. The modern computers of this room have professional programs installed to serve their students in design, programming, etc. Some of the subjects developed in this lab are “Numerical Methods and Matlab “, “Distributed Systems” and “Software Testing and Verification”. This laboratory is available to all study programs at the three faculties of University Metropolitan Tirana, namely the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the Faculty of Computer Science and IT and the Faculty of Economics.

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Computer Simulation Laboratory

The Computer SimulationLaboratory at University Metropolitan Tirana enables the development of newest subjects in the field of Software Engineering. This laboratory helps students gain practical knowledge and provides them with an environment where they can develop university-related projects or other projects that they would like to work on. Some of the courses that take place in this laboratory are “Data mining”, “Advanced Computer Networking”, “Virtual Programming Languages”, “Natural Language Processing” etc.

Laboratory of Power Distribution Systems and Electronic Devices

All electrical engineering students who specialize in power systems, power systems, and motor systems are trained in this laboratory. Amongst many modern equipment, this laboratory includes high-power conductors, wiring systems, electromagnetic systems, generators and electric motors, speed control motors and other measuring equipment.

Mjediset dhe laboratorët në UMT

Laboratory of Electrical and Electronic Measurements

The laboratory of electrical and electronic measurements at University Metropolitan Tirana is equipped with the necessary equipment to carry out various studies depending on the academic programs set. The laboratory has the right infrastructure where students are given the opportunity to do individual work. This laboratory is equipped with a variety of equipment such as signal amplifiers, oscilloscopes, signal generators, temperature control kits etc.