
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering

The Bachelor program in Electrical Engineering at the Metropolitan Tirana University is offered with five different study profiles, for all students who want to specialize respectively in electronics, engineering control, digital communication, electrical machinery and power systems. The academic curriculum is designed in accordance with best domestic and foreign practices, offering study opportunities in Albanian and English.

Students at Metropolitan Tirana University will be introduced to the challenging design problems as well as gain theoretical and practical knowledge which are required for qualified electrical engineers. Electrical Engineering courses are developed in laboratories with state-of-the-art technology equipment, such as Laboratory of Power Distribution Systems and Electronic Equipment, Laboratory of Communication and Signal Processing, Laboratory of Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Automation Laboratory and FPGA under continuous monitoring of academic staff. Electrical engineers can work with networks of microchips, computers, signal processing, microwaves, telecommunications, biomedical networks or even robotics.
They can also work in the fields of transport, lighting, heating, ventilation, power generation and distribution systems, production and construction. Electrical engineers gain skills and are responsible for drafting project plans, evaluating project timelines and costs, managing technical work, and so on.

Necessary contacts

Head of Department

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Lutfi Saqe / lsaqe@umt.edu.al

Program Coordinator


Detailed Informations


3 Years

ECTS Number

180 ECTS


Full- time




Cilat janë kriteret për t’u pranuar në programet bachelor?

Për t’u regjistruar në programet bachelor, studentët duhet të kenë përfunduar Maturën Shtetëroreose një cikël të njehsuar me të. Të gjithë kandidatët që duan të ndjekin një nga programet bachelorduhet të plotësojnë kriterin e notës mesatare të vendosur me VKM, e cila aktualisht është 6,5.Aplikimet kryhen vetëm nëpërmjet portalit U-Albania. Çdo kandidat i interesuar për të ndjekurstudimet pranë UMT duhet të zgjedhë Universitetin Metropolitan Tirana si një nga 10 preferencat etij në këtë portal gjatë fazave të aplikimit.