Doktoraturë në Inteligjencë - UMT

Doctoral Studies in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Evis Plaku received a PhD scholarship supported by the Metropolitan University of Tirana. He will conduct scientific research led by Prof. Dr. Ligor Nikolla (UMT) and Prof. Assoc. Dr. Erion Plaku from the Department of Computer Science at the George Mason University, USA.

Evis’ scientific research will be conducted in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics, focusing on autonomous navigation of intelligent robotic systems. The research domain is of high interest both from research centers and applicative industries. 

After graduating in Computer Science, Evis Plaku completed his master’s studies at the University of Freiburg in Germany majoring in “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics”. He then conducted in-depth studies and was engaged as a scientific researcher at the Catholic University of America, Washington, USA. 

Through doctoral studies, UMT aims to take important steps towards creating and stimulating an eco-system of intelligent systems in Albania. The Metropolitan University of Tirana will support the completion of doctoral studies, not only with a zero-registration fee, but also by focusing on increasing capacities, upskilling the academic staff and internationalizing scientific research. Evis Plaku will conduct scientific research integrated with teaching at UMT.

UMT has engaged in the doctoral school not only internal academic staff, but also a considerable number of international researchers and professors mainly from France and USA. These researchers work in the most prestigious laboratories and universities. 


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