Computer Engineering - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering involves designing and processing data through the hardware and software parts of a computer. Hardware parts represent physical components such as processors, memory cards and any other peripherals, while software parts include all the programs used to perform a certain task. 

At the end of this program, the student is able to conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, design a system with all its components and identify problems by providing technical solutions.

The study program focuses on basic technical and scientific preparations in several disciplines, allowing a graduate to specialize in professional fields that characterize a Computer Engineer. 

With the acquired skills, graduate students in this program can work both inside and outside the country, in the public and private sector as computer network administrator, program developer, hardware engineers, systems analyst, etc.

Detailed Informations


3 Years

ECTS Number

180 ECTS


Full- time




Head of Program

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Lekë Pepkolaj

Head of Department

Dr. Elton Domnori