Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Archives - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

The exhibition, UMT Designs Hospitality in Berat: A Significant Step for Architectural Innovation and heritage

Ekspozita, UMT projekton mikëpritjen në Berat: Një hap i rëndësishëm për inovacionin arkitektonik dhe trashëgiminë kulturore

University Metropolitan of Tirana, through the students of its Department of Architecture, organized a unique exhibition in the historic city of Berat, addressing essential themes such as hospitality, urban development, and cultural heritage. This event showcased student projects as a testament to their creative abilities and commitment to preserving and transforming the city’s values, renowned […]

UMT lecturer Nicola Ghilardi awarded in the Italian Architecture Competition

Architetto Nicola Ghilardi

The architect and lecturer of UMT, Nicola Ghilardi is awarded in the 11th edition of the Architecture Competition “Ceramics and Project” held in Florence, Italy. “La Nicchia” project, which was selected among 100 projects of Italian Architects, was appreciated for its innovative composition and intelligent design. Nicola Ghilardi head of the triumphant studio “Studio Architect […]

University Metropolitan Tirana part of the “Energy Construction & Green Economy” fair

Si një institucion lider në fushat e Inxhinierisë, UMT kujdeset të përgatisë profesionistët e rinj duke ofruar literaturë bashkëkohore dhe ekspertët më në zë kombëtar dhe ndërkombëtar ku vlen të veçojmë Prof. Asoc. Dr. Emre Çeçen, Prof. Dr. Banihan Gunay, Dr. Klaud Vogstad dhe Dr. Nikolla Nika. Panairi fokusohet në çështje të rëndësishme si energjia […]

The event of the year for architecture students takes place at Tirana Metropolitan University! “Design and the City”

Starting from September 5 and for the following month, the school of architecture at #UMT organizes “Design and the City”, a polyvalent activity in themes and locations related to architecture and design. Everything comes through cooperation with foreign architects visiting Tirana, with design studios and local and international partners such as Inspireli Education, D-Works Architecture, […]


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