Prof. Asoc. Dr. Aranit Shkurti
Coordinator of the Master of Science in Engineering Management
Faculty of Economics
✉ ashkurti@umt.edu.al
Dr. Aranit Shkurti is Associate Professor of Economics and Econometrics at the Department of Business Informatics, Faculty of Economics, University Metropolitan Tirana. His research interests include energy modelling and policy, industrial economics, renewable energies etc…
He has extensive teaching experience of more than 15 years, lecturing a variety of courses, mainly in the field of Data Science, Statistics Modelling with Python, Engineering Economics and Operations Management. Dr. Shkurti has taught at the Faculty of Business, as well as at the Faculty of Engineering. He is member of several Editorial Boards and author of many peer reviewed articles and Conference Proceedings published in highly reputed Journals.
- June 2023, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, Albania: Associate Professor in Economics
- November 2011, Faculty of Engineering, 1st University of Rome “SAPIENZA”, ROME, ITALY: PhD in Energy Policy and Modelling
- January 2006, Faculty of Statistics, 1st University of Rome “SAPIENZA”, ROME, ITALY: II Level Master’s Degree in STATISTICS
- April 2004, Faculty of Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, MODENA, ITALY: Bachelor’s Degree in Economics