Prof. Dr. Agim Selenica
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
✉ aselenica@umt.edu.al
Prof. Dr. Agim Selenica, born in Korça on 16.01.1947, completed his higher studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physics branch, 5 years (1969). Appointed scientific researcher (1970) and then head of the Hydrology Department (1992) at the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. During this time, in addition to the main functional tasks for the rehabilitation and modernization of the Hydrological Network, he conducted a number of studies, monographs and published a number of scientific articles inside and outside the country. In 1980 he completed postgraduate specialization in Lausanne, Switzerland in the field of Engineering Hydrology and in 1993-1994 the postgraduate course at IHE Delft-Netherlands in Water Resources Management.
Prof. Dr. Agim Selenica is a member of the Hydrology Commission of OBM (World Hydrological Organization) and a member of a number of national and international projects such as MED-HYCOS, BALWOIS, SEADATANET, etc. In 2003, he started working as a lecturer and then head of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydrotechnics, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, a position he held until 2015, when he retired. During this time, he also published the text “Engineering Hydrology”, valuable for students and engineers of hydrotechnics and the environment. He currently continues his teaching activity as a lecturer and dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the Metropolitan University of Tirana and external lecturer at the Department of Hydraulics and Hydrotechnics and is active in projects in the field of engineering hydrology.