University Metropolitan Tirana is profiled in Engineering, Architecture and Economics. Teaching at UMT is offered in both Albanian and English, giving students the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the latest academic texts through contemporary texts.
Admission Criteria for Bachelor programs
Any Albanian or foreign citizen who has graduated from high school and has fulfilled State Matura obligations or has completed one cycle of studies, is eligible to apply for one of the programs offered by Tirana Metropolitan University.
Applications are only available through the U-Albania portal. Any candidate interested in pursuing studies at UMT should choose Tirana Metropolitan University as one of his 10 preferences in this portal during the application stages.
All candidates who wish to pursue one of the bachelor programs must meet the average grade criterion set by DCM, No. 295, dated 10.05.2019.
For integrated program in Architecture as well as programs offered in English, the student must have successfully passed the English language exam based on the instruction no. 52, dated 03.12.2015.
Documentation Required for Bachelor Degree Programs:
- Notarized copy of the State Matura Diploma
- Notarized copy of State Matura Certificate
- In case the candidate has completed the gymnasium abroad, he/she must submit the diploma evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Two pictures
- Identification document (photocopy)
Admission Criteria in Master programs
The study programs in Professional and Master of Science offer specialized scientific and practical knowledge in a deeper dimension.
To enroll in these programs, the student must have completed a Bachelor’s degree and must have completed one of the foreign languages (English, Italian, Spanish, German, French) through internationally recognized examinations as directed by the Ministry of Education. Youth and Sports.
Documentation required for enrollment in Master’s programs:
- Notarized copy of Bachelor’s degree
- Notarized copy of the Bachelor cycle list
- If the candidate has completed his / her studies abroad he / she should submit the Diploma Recognition by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Notarized copy of the State Matura Diploma
- Notarized copy of State Matura Certificate
- In case the candidate has completed high school abroad, he / she must submit a Diploma Certificate from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Two pictures
- Identification document (photocopy)
- CV
- Foreign Language Certificate (English, Italian, Spanish, German, French)
- Payment
Admission criteria for 2-year professional programs
2-year professional programs are offered to all those graduates who do not meet the average grade criteria for enrolling in a Bachelor program, according to the Council of Ministers Decision no.295, dated 10.05.2019.
Through professional programs in Graphic Design, Surveying and GIS and Hotel Management, Tourism and Events Management, Metropolitan Tirana University gives practical knowledge by giving all young people the opportunity to pursue studies and integrate into the job market.
Any Albanian or foreign citizen who has graduated from high school and has fulfilled State Matura obligations or has completed one cycle of studies, is eligible to apply for one of the programs offered by Metropolitan Tirana University.
Applications are accepted only through the U-Albania portal. Any candidate interested in pursuing studies at UMT should choose Metropolitan Tirana University as one of his 10 preferences in this portal during the application stages.
In order to pursue professional programs, the entry criterion is the successful completion of the State Matura or a cycle of graduation.
Documentation required for enrollment in 2-year professional programs:
1. Notarized copy of the State Matura Diploma
2. Notarized copy of State Matura Certificate
3. In case the candidate has completed the gymnasium abroad, he/she must submit the diploma evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
4. Two pictures
5. Identification document (photocopy)
The study programs offered at Tirana Metropolitan University are in the most demanding profiles in the job market, which provides students with a guaranteed professional success after graduation.
- Professional programs last 2 academic years and have 120 ECTS.
- Bachelor programs last 3 academic years and have 180 ECTS.
- Integrated Second Cycle Programs last 5 academic years and have 300 ECTS.
- Professional Master Programs last one academic year and have 60 ECTS.
- Master of Science programs last 2 academic years and have 120 ECTS.
- The PhD. program in “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” has a duration of three to four academic years
UMT equips all students who are enrolling for the first time in a Bachelor or Professional Degree Cycle with the Student Bag which includes:
- CD with didactic lectures
- Student Guide
- Access to on-line Secretariat and web-mail
- Student regulation
- Student card