Doctoral School in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems - Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana

Doctoral School in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

The Faculty of Computer Science and IT of University Metropolitan Tirana, starting from December 2021, has been accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Albania for the awarding of the Doctoral School in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (IA&SI). This decision is based on the contribution of UMT’s internal lecturers, the cooperation with Albanian, regional and European HEIs that UMT in general and the faculty in particular have initiated and strengthened during the last years, as well as the encouragement and support operated by MARS through the initiative for the internationalization of programs and scientific research in Albanian HEIs.

The belief in internal capacities, the desire to cooperate and contribute with the aim to increase the quality of higher education and scientific research in the country, the interest of an in-depth scientific research in such a dynamic and strategic field as IA&SI are some of the most stable elements that motivate all instances of UMT to invest and dedicate themselves maximally to the School of Doctorate in IA&SI.

The primary objective of the School of Doctorate in IA&SI is and will be the quality of training of doctoral students, the quality of scientific works as well as the strengthening of cooperation with Albanian, regional and European HEIs. This will be made possible through the creation of joint scientific laboratories and structures as well as the absorption of as many consistent and qualitative projects at the national, regional and European level.

The fields of application are among the most diverse and in focus will be those of medicine, energy production and distribution, sustainable and intelligent transport, cyber-security and national defense.
The realization of successful doctorates within the framework of the Doctoral School in IA&SI is fully possible as it relies on the Bachelor and Master level study programs offered by the Faculty of Computer Science, programs that give UMT students the sufficient level in the basic areas of mathematics, informatics and automation but also in the specific sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Algorithms, Signal and System, Distributed and Real Time Computing.

The doctoral program in IA&SI is open not only to UMT students but to all students, professors and young specialists who have completed studies in the field of sciences such as mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical physics, informatics, automation, economics, energetic and who are motivated to advance in this field both from a theoretical and an applied point of view.
Collaboration and co-leadership of doctorates within the framework of the Doctoral School in IA&SI with professors and researchers of several prestigious institutions in France and the USA and fully funded by UMT, international institutions as well as national, regional and European projects.

Honorable professors
• Prof.Dr. Silviu-Iulian Niculescu (CNRS/CentraleSupelec-France)
• Prof. Dr. Patrick Siarry (UPEC/LISSI France),
• Prof. Dr. René Natowicz (UGE-ESIEE/Paris-LISSI France),
• Prof. Dr. Laurent Najman (UGE-ESIEE-LIGM France),
• Prof. Dr. Didier Georges (UGA-GIPSA Lab France)
• Prof. Dr. Arben Cela (UGE-ESIEE Paris-LISSI France)
• Prof. Dr. Arben Asllani (UTC-USA)

will be engaged both in the framework of doctoral programs and in the proposal of joint doctoral topics with several French universities and the University of Tennessee Chattanooga and UMT. The doctorates will mainly be in a framework of cooperation and co-registration with foreign institutions, and the doctoral students are given the right to receive a double degree, that of UMT and the French partner university or UTC-USA. Funding will be fully provided by UMT and the doctoral funding and exchange programs of either the French Embassy or other French and European organizations. The status of doctoral students who will be accepted to complete their doctorate within the framework of the School of Doctorate in IA&SI will be that of Assistant Professor of UMT and paid at the corresponding salary level.