
Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Master of Science in Civil Engineering prepares young engineers with fundamental scientific knowledge for the study, design, construction and realization of industrial and civil works and objects, as well as the production of construction materials, their testing, structural analysis, production of prefabricated structures etc. At the Metropolitan Tirana University, students pursuing a Master of Science in Civil Engineering can select one of the two profiles from Structural Engineering or Infrastructure and Transportation Engineering.

Academic programs are designed in accordance with the best local and international experience, where students receive in-depth knowledge on the theory of structures, seismic engineering, steel structures, bridge design, deep foundations, traffic engineering etc. Students who choose the profile “Structural Engineering” specialize in seismic assessment and retrofit of buildings, design of structures, steel structures, hydro-technical works or design of machine foundations. Students who are profiled in “Infrastructure and Transport Engineering” specialize in the design of tunnels, soil retaining structures, the design of motorways and railways, road traffic engineering or the pavement design for roads, railways and airports. At the end of the 2-year study cycle, graduates can be employed in structural design studios, construction companies, public administrations such as ministries and local governmental offices, consulting studios or they may prefer to work as freelancers. They also have the opportunity to conduct research and further studies in the academy.

Necessary contacts

Head of Department

Dr. Nikolla Nika 

Program Coordinator

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Emre Çeçen  

Detailed Informations


2 Years

ECTS Number

120 ECTS


Full- time




Cilat janë kriteret për t’u pranuar në programet bachelor?

Për t’u regjistruar në programet bachelor, studentët duhet të kenë përfunduar Maturën Shtetëroreose një cikël të njehsuar me të. Të gjithë kandidatët që duan të ndjekin një nga programet bachelorduhet të plotësojnë kriterin e notës mesatare të vendosur me VKM, e cila aktualisht është 6,5.Aplikimet kryhen vetëm nëpërmjet portalit U-Albania. Çdo kandidat i interesuar për të ndjekurstudimet pranë UMT duhet të zgjedhë Universitetin Metropolitan Tirana si një nga 10 preferencat etij në këtë portal gjatë fazave të aplikimit.