Prof. Asoc. Dr. Vita Koja
Faculty of Economics
✉ vitakoja@umt.edu.al
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Vita Koja has graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, majoring in Industrial Mercology. In 1993 she received the degree of “Doctor of Science”, while in 1998 she received the title of “Associate Professor”. From 1980 to 1984, she was a Merceologist at the Tirana Purchasing Company, while from 1984 to 1991, she held the position of Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Merceology, Faculty of Economics, UT. From 1991 to 2023, she was a Lecturer at the Marketing-Tourism Department of FEUT in the subjects: Marketing of Tourism, Tourism Product, Basics of Tourism, Management of Tourist Trips, Basics of Marketing, Management of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Tourism, Quality Management of Tourist Services and Marketing Communication. During the period 2002-2007, she was a Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics of UT as well and a lecturer at the University of Southeast Europe in Tetovo. While from November 2023, it is part of the Faculty of Economics, “Metropolitan Tirana” University She is the author of two monographs entitled “Aspects of organization and management of touristic host regions” and “Some features of service marketing”, 11 textbooks, 17 articles published in scientific bulletins at home and abroad and 24 references in national and international conferences inside and outside the country, reviews and oppositions of dissertations as well as supervision of doctorates and microtheses.
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, as “Industrial Merceolog” in 1980;
Defends the degree of Candidate of Sciences, with the Decision of the High Attestation Commission no. 258 dt. 17.09.1991;
Get the degree “Doctor of Science” with VKM no. 351 dt. 30.06.1993;
Receives the title “Associate Professor” with decision No. 8, dated 16.03.1998 of the “Scientific Qualification Commission”